The very gifted Cory Wells
February 5, 1941 – October 20, 2015
THREE DOG NIGHT is a band that I never was able to see
in concert when they really were 3 Dog Night.
I have however got to meet each of the 3 named members at either conventions
and/or subsequent concerts of both Danny Hutton and Cory Wells.
It also is a story of absolute complete disappointment and what could of been.

After obtaining Chuck Negron’s signature
on September 14, 2013 at the R&R Autograph Show
I tried on 5 different occasions at 5 different shows to obtain Corey Wells signature on both of these photos (as well as Danny Hutton’s). Corey especially was the rudest, most insulting and ever so adamant about him not wanting to sign any autographs. Danny, upon seeing Chucks signature already on my photos, exclaimed, “I don’t sign anything that Chuck has signed”.
Okay, so I get it that there is really bad blood between band members:
However, I ask the question:
“What does that have to do with the fans”?
Couldn’t these men have kept their financial and personal arguments to themselves and not involve their fans? My family – all families – have problems. But we don’t take it out on the waitress who is trying to earn a tip when we go out to dinner!
SADLY, There are very few fully signed photographs of these 3 men.
I could have have had 2 autographed 8X10’s. Preserved for other fans to see
could have been 2 fully signed 8 X 10’s.
However, because of Corey Well’s absolute stubbornness and the fact that he has now passed away, he personally is the reason and is fully to blame that a chance to preserve and share what would of been some very rare and real R&R memorabilia with fans everywhere to have enjoyed, never came to pass in the case of these two photos.
(click on any image to enlarge)
The above 4 albums were autographed by Chuck Negron at
The Hollywood Show on Saturday November 21, 2017.
(click on any image to make bigger)
Individual concert contracts between Cory Wells, Danny Hutton and Chuck Negron
(Three Dog Night) and NKR Productions for “The Spirit of America Spectacular”
performance at the Queen Mary in Long Beach – Sunday, July 5, 1981.
Obtained through a private collector/collection.