and I at The Canyon Club in Agoura Hills on July 9, 2021.
I first saw the band Missing Persons at
Perkins Palace in Pasadena on January 30, 1982.
I would see them again at The US Festival on Monday May 30, 1983.
It would not be until 2014 that I would see Dale Bozzio again,
and not until 2019 that I would get to hear her
beautiful voice live on stage finally once again.

Both of the above posters were signed by
in Los Angeles on October 19, 2014.
Dale Bozzio and I at The Canyon in Montclair on December 19, 2019.
Dale Bozzio and I at The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano February 1, 2020.

Dale Bozzio signed concert ticket from and at
The Coach house in San Juan Capistrano on February 1, 2020.
(click on the albums to enlarge them)
The TWO TOP albums and the second row left album where each
signed on December 19, 2019, and the middle album was signed on
February 1, 2020, and the album on the far right was signed on October 19, 2014.

Promo release party at Gallagher’s Pub in Huntington Beach
with Dale Bozzio on Friday February 21, 2020.
The beauty and the love that Dale has for her fans, her music and for life itself
is so simply amazing. She is as beautiful as a person inside as she is outside.
So incredibly generous to me, and equally to what I can see, all of her fans.
I simply love this woman so much and enjoy seeing her band again and again.
I have such a tremendous admiration for Dale.
She expresses only the best of love, hope and happiness from that stage.
Equally, is her band. Such incredible talent and musicianship. They absolutely JAM!

With COVID almost a thing of the past and vaccinations in arm, concerts began to open
One of the first concerts I went to was MISSING PERSONS at:
The Canyon Club in Claremont on July 3, 2021
The Canyon Club in Agoura Hills on July 9, 2021
The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano on July 31, 2021
Dale Bozzio looked as healthy as ever and her voice stayed vey 80’s
with her high pitch sounds and vocalization. The band however was and is
simply amazing. An incredible amount of energy put forth by Andy, Prescott, Karl and Fred is so energetic and powerful. I cannot even begin to describe how good her band is. I simply love seeing ’em again and again. Each, is as good as the other.!!!!!

BOTH the above pictures are from The Cayon Club/Agoura Hills July 9, 2021.

The ALWAYS very generous and takes her time and care in signing, …….always.
The very loving to to her fans Dale Bozzio signed my album and above
poster at The Canyon Club July 3, 2021 in Clairmont.

It was as this point after the July 9, 2021 concert is Agoura Hills,
and while waiting in line for Dale Bozzio to take part in her after show
Meet and Greet and signing with her fans, that the bands manager noticed that I had two of the
same “Missing In Action” albums to which he stated to me rather pompously,
“So, ONE for you and ONE for Ebay“?
To upon hearing this I turned to him and said, “REALLY?”, “Is that what you think?.
Here is this man who does not in any way know me from anyone else, never met him, never had he and I spoke, yet, this is how he greeted me (and my wife standing next to me).
He has no idea that I purchased 6 total tickets for 3 of the bands shows during this
July 2021 mini your as so my wife and I can enjoy a fun evening out with a band that we really enjoy. He further has no idea that I live in the Corona area of Riverside County and drove though 3 counties and the estimated 72 miles through Southern California traffic to get to tonight’s event. Further and tastefully worse, paying for the second of what will be 3 shows over $110.00 for two of what they seem to call “meal’s” at these venues. Yes gas is $4.00++ a gallon too out in Riverside County, Mr. Manager.
However within his comment, I am seemingly going to make it all back by selling one album on
Ebay(??) How narrow minded clownish to assume such ridiculousness when this man
has never spoke to me ever before. That’s NOT how you greet the fans.
(If he had simply and respectfully asked, I will of gladly told him my intentions.
and proudly I would of given him my card and invite him to visit my website).
I’ve seen more intelligence and logic from grade school children.
As far as the albums, this “manager” further has no idea how incredibly hard it is to find brand new unopened Missing Persons albums. I purchased both of these albums from a vendor in Germany, paid the price of the album/s and to have them shipped to me, and am damn lucky to have found them. These albums are long out of print. I intended (and did) give one album to Dale on July 31st in San Juan Capistrano and was proud to hand her as nice as I could find album (it was brand new), and (yes) then keep the signed ones for myself, than hand her some beat to hell torn or dirty second hand 30 year old album. I deserve that as her fan, and she deserves it as the artist. She was so excited and jazzed to receive the album from me. The feeling she expressed of thanks is priceless. Absolutely made the entire process and time it took of purchasing these albums so well worth it.
(Yes I get it; there are a flood of “fake fans” who sell well intended signed items from a generous artist.
However, he was in no position to assume such, minutes away from I as a fan to meet an artists
who I fully admire and go out of my way to support. Instead, he should of been thanking
myself and my wife for supporting the band and attending the 2nd of 2 shows in a week)
By the way, my final response to the band/clown manager in Agoura Hills was:
“if it makes you feel better, Dale can sign both these albums to myself
and my wife and my three kids……
…….Will that make you feel a bit better?”

Signed concert ticket from the lovely and so very beautiful Dale Bozzio signed
at The Canyon Club July 9, 2021 in Agoura Hills.

(images and autographs to follow)
Dale and her band are simply amazing.
I thank all of them tremendously for providing my wife and I
(and so many other fans) these shows of such enjoyment.
1000 THANK YOU’s from my wife and I to the entire band.