All albums and photographs on this page, were signed
at The Virgin Mega Store in Hollywood on September 22, 2000.
Madonna’s book “Yakov and the Seven Thieves”
was signed in 2004 at her Los Angeles book signing.
Madonna was allowing one other piece of memorabilia to be signed along with a purchase of her “Music CD”, at her Virgin Mega Store signing. I hustled some of those nearest to me in the very crowded line (for a price, of course) and walked away with 8 items signed that day.
At her book signing, it was strictly “books only”.
In my opinion, the Virgin Mega Store signing was just about the last of the real opportunities when Madonna was still available to sign autographs. Outside of this, and her book store signings, I have never been able to obtain her signature (to date) ever again.
I still have NEVER seen Madonna in concert and really wish that I had.